A collaboration with
Jess LeBlanc, Sydney Starko + Laura Darcy

Welcome to the university of YOU –
the education you’ve always wished for,
needed and deserved.

Life has a way of fragmenting us, but yoga puts us back together, enhancing every domain of your life.
From your relationships to your mental and physical health, this course recognizes you as a WHOLE HUMAN.

If you can transform you, you can transform anything!

All parts of you are welcome here.

Whoever you are, wherever you’ve come from – we care about who you are deeeeeep down and who you want to be moving forward into your chosen future.

As our pal Ram Dass said – we're all just walking each other home, and we’re here to guide and cheer you on every step of the way!

We have seen first hand how learning and living yoga has to power to elevate your life. You’ll spend less time worrying + stressing and more time doing the things you love with presence and true connection.

  • Our mission is to seamlessly integrate Yoga into every facet of existence, from our homes to our relationships and workplaces. This journey is designed to integrate your mind-body awareness, increase harmony and promote fluidity, connection, belonging, and genuine purpose.

  • We aim to inspired you to unearth and embody your gifts as a human and illuminate your bright light regardless of whether you want to teach a traditional yoga class or not.

  • Our program is a life changing and transformative adventure. It is the opportunity you’ve been wanting where you can finally embrace all parts of your being are welcome and accepted. You will cultivate the resources and tools to help you thrive and live a life that is fully aligned with your deepest truth and self expression.

This training is designed for the souls wishing to transform their personal yoga practice, as well as those seeking to share their knowledge of yoga with others. Your 200-hour comprehensive yoga training includes a bonus certification!

Education of self and the practice of you.
This training is an internal and external glimmer (the opposite of a trigger) that brings you back to a sense of joy or safety.
Trust that you have received the sign that it is time for you to leap and step into a new adventure and development.

What’s inside?


SEPTEMBER 3, 2024 - OCTOBER 2, 2024

• 30 hours Anatomy - prerecorded work at your own pace video collection + live review / Q+A session

• 1.5 hour weekly x 5  - Yoga Class + weekly check in / community reflection

• 1.5 hour x 5 - Pranayama + Various Meditation styles  - Tuesdays 7:30 - 9pm Mountain Time

• 1.5 hour weekly x 5  - Group discussion / connection call  - Wednesdays 7:30 - 9pm Mountain Time

ALL ONLINE SESSIONS WILL BE RECORDED for your repeated watch or catch up should you miss!



•10 hours Philosophy lectures - prerecorded work at your pace video collection

•1.5 hour weekly x 4  - Yoga Class + weekly check-in / community reflection

• 2-hour weekly x 4  - Group discussion/connection call - Tuesdays 7:00 - 9 pm Mountain Time

• 2-hour weekly x 5  - Methodology + Applied Knowledge - Wednesdays 7:00 - 9 pm Mountain Time

•Practical Teaching Weekend Saturday NOVEMBER 9TH, 2024 — 9 am - 12 pm Mountain Time.

• 4 hour personal reflection + class preparation

•10 hours Embodied Purpose Self Leadership course (75min session x 8 Dates + times TBD)

ALL ONLINE SESSIONS WILL BE RECORDED for your repeated watch or catch-up should you miss!



10 x 10 hr days of learning + experiential education adventures!
We will begin at 9 am on November 11st and finish at 5pm on November 20th.

Please plan your travel days accordingly + note that the immersion includes all classroom time, and learning opportunities but does not include food, transportation, or accommodation.



MAY 7 - JUNE 5, 2025 +

• 13 hours Prerecorded Guest Educator lecture series

• 2 hour weekly x 5  - Group discussion / Connection virtual live call - Tuesdays 7:00 - 9pm Mountain time

• 2 hour weekly x 5  - Methodology + Integrated Knowledge virtual live call - Wednesdays 7:00 - 9pm Mountain Time

• 14 hours ‘Purpose into Practice’ Advanced Self Leadership course - 1.5 hour bi weekly call - dates TBD

• 15 hours Small Group Practice Teaching + Feedback Implementation (Group directed times + dates)

• 30 SVADHYAYA Project - Spiritual study (own time) + Presentations in June presentation weekend

• 8 hour Personal Practice + Reflection

ALL ONLINE SESSIONS WILL BE RECORDED for your repeated watch or catch up should you miss!


Jess LeBlanc is an experiential educator, renowned for her authenticity, openness, and innovative approaches to wellness. A yoga teacher, public speaker, leadership facilitator and consultant / coach as well as celebrated as one of Canada's top fitness instructor.

Regardless of when or where you encounter her, Jess's primary aim is for you to depart feeling cherished, lighter, empowered, and deeply connected. Her journey towards this transformative role began when she relinquished the societal molds and constraints that once confined her. Through periods of breakdowns and breakthroughs, she summoned courage and creativity to forge her own path—one that would not only fulfill her own aspirations but also uplift others who sought similar liberation.

Driven by a fervent desire to share her wisdom, Jess endeavors to dissolve whatever barriers inhibit your fullest expression and expansion. Her mission is to guide you back to yourself, where the space for choice is restored, and your unique gifts are unearthed and ignited within the nurturing embrace of community.

As a trailblazer in movement and health, Jess seamlessly integrates the realms of spirituality and science. Her approach aims to impart knowledge in a manner that is not only sustainable but also empowering, recognizing you as the ultimate authority of your own experience. Through her guidance, she seeks to draw you closer to your innate wisdom and intuition, illuminating the path towards self-discovery and self-mastery.

Above all, Jess is dedicated to supporting you in deepening your connection to yourself and your life's purpose. She endeavors to empower you to lead from the heart and cultivate a profoundly meaningful existence.

Sydney Starko is a deeply inquisitive individual, driven by an insatiable curiosity about the intricacies of existence. Her keen interest extends particularly to the realms of bio/psycho/social anatomy, which form the bedrock of her professional pursuits.

She crafts space in both literal and metaphorical senses. Through hands-on bodywork and movement practices, she physically creates space within the body, while simultaneously delving into the exploration of the mind-body connection to create figurative space for understanding and growth.

Sydney's approach is marked by a profound reverence for scientific inquiry, yet she also acknowledges the presence of intangible mysteries within human beings that transcend quantifiable evidence.

Her passion lies in forging a harmonious synthesis between diverse health and wellness philosophies from around the world—East, West, North, and South. She firmly believes that the convergence of traditional wisdom and modern methodologies holds immense potential for holistic healing.

Sydney brings forth a wealth of knowledge derived from her boundless curiosity, extensive education, research endeavors, diverse trainings, influential mentors, and over a decade of experience as a Registered Massage Therapist (RMT) and Yogi. Her mission is to ignite curiosity within others, empowering them to embark on their own explorations of self-discovery.

Laura Darcy is a human first, embodying the roles of a 500-hour certified yoga teacher, artist, writer, human connector, and educator of the Journey Home. Her teachings are a heartfelt invitation to explore the intricacies and intimacies of the human experience, delving into the profound stories held within our bodies.

As a self-proclaimed wave maker and heart weaver, Laura holds the belief that the journey home is not a physical destination but rather a deep-rooted connection to oneself that permeates every aspect of existence. She creates movements and moments that foster a sense of belonging and illuminate the power of personal narratives and human connection, providing a safe space for individuals to be seen, heard, and supported.

Laura's journey with yoga began in her teenage years, where she discovered it as a sanctuary for embodiment, emotional expression, and graceful presence. Recognizing yoga as a daily practice of self-remembering, she pursued her 500-hour yoga teacher training under the guidance of esteemed mentors at Semperviva Yoga and One Yoga for the People. Forever devoted to the preciousness of life, Laura champions the belief that true empowerment resides within our bodies, cultivating a culture of care and embodied sufficiency for all to journey inward and outward with purpose.

In her teaching, Laura emphasizes mindful movements and breath, infused with a trauma-informed approach that integrates self-exploration, light-heartedness, and the wisdom of the emotional and energetic body. She crafts personalized experiences to guide individuals in reconnecting with their feeling bodies, fostering a deeper understanding of self and a sense of wholeness.

Above all, Laura's intention is to create a space where individuals can show up as they are, recognizing that every aspect of their being belongs and is worthy of acknowledgment and acceptance.

  • 'I was blown away by this course!'

    The Embodied Living team’s ability to connect with people on a deeper level beyond their yoga practice is like nothing I have witnessed. They create an atmosphere in which people can be vulnerable and feel safe amongst their peers.

    - Ali

  • 'Forever grateful for this fulfilling and impactful experiencing'

    When I think back to when I said yes to this course, I was struggling at a job I hated, trying to navigate a tricky romantic relationship and was desperately trying to get back into yoga to "fix" it all. The authenticity, love, support and genuine human connection this course brought, was life alterning. The team is real and raw can hold space without judgement, providing true guidance that can be immediately applied.

    - Brigitta

  • 'An amazing team of educators'

    Jess the founder of embodied living has done such a great job hand selectiag her team and has collaborated with expests she trusts and values. They show so much compassion and love towards all of their students. I was literally counting down the days until I get to be in this course container.

    - Shinay




200 Hour Education
— $4100 + GST

FULL 300-Hour Education
— $5900 + GST


APPLY now below

✺ Frequently asked questions ✺

  • It’s been years of zoom and too much of it isn’t healthy for anyone. With this in mind we have balanced our course to have both prerecorded content that you are able to watch at your own pace and we have minimal (3-5 hours) weekly live sessions.

  • YES! We get that things come up. We will be recording all online zoom sessions so that you can review or catch up should you have to miss.

  • There are certain assignments / planning / reading /personal study that is required outside of course scheduling however, this is your experience and you will get out of it what you put in. With the exception of practical teaching methodology we will not be reviewing your homework or grading — it is your learning experience to be accountable for.

  • Tapas - in yoga it means inner fire or zeal. In Spain, bitesize appetizer or snack! Our yoga education program is about sharing the variety of styles and methods of teaching yoga so that you can understand what best suits you as teacher.

    You will NOT learn a scripted, canned yoga sequence or become a replica of another teacher. You will be empowered to embrace your unique gifts, style, offerings and voice. To show up authentically as yourself, because that is what the world needs. MORE YOU! By the end of the training you will feel confident to share and understand HOW to create using the teaching techniques and foundational methodology we provide.

  • We think everyone who is interested in living life to it’s fullest and gaining the freedom to discover their purpose and passions. Some of our graduates are Students, Teachers, Entrepreneurs, Engineers, Parents, Nurses, Doctors, Accountants, Athletes, Weekend warriors, Health Care workers, EMTs, Human Resources, Tech Developers, Retirees, and even a former AirPlane mechanic! Anyone who is yoga Curious… or just plain curious is going to benefit from studying with us. description

  • A certificate from Yoga Alliance is not essential for teaching yoga. While it may be common and heavily marketed, possessing an RYT certificate does not inherently guarantee knowledge, reliability, or trustworthiness, nor does it guarantee the quality of the training. Yoga Alliance registration can be beneficial in some aspects however, it does not currently any compliance check in with its registered programs to ensure they’re teaching what they say they teach nor does it provide you with liability insurance (which we will help you navigate in our business module)

  • Instagram and other social media often present the idea that yoga teachers are mostly women in their 20s however, this training is truly inclusive and designed for anyone of any race, gender, age or season of life. If you are interested in growing as a human being and exploring the transformational power of the practice, we encourage you to join regardless of who you are, where you have been or what you’re currently up to. You belong.

  • What does a good / perfect / advanced yogi even mean? We want YOU to join us as you are.

    Of course there are no rules about how long you should practice yoga before becoming a yoga teacher.

    A lot of people say “I’d love to do a yoga teacher training but I’m not flexible or strong enough”. As you learn in your training, while asana (posture) is key to yoga, meditation, breath and philosophy is also yoga. As long as you have a desire to learn, explore and progress in your practice, it does not matter that you’re feeling currently ‘limited’ in some asanas. All bodies are different, and this is highly respected in your training.

    Get excited and be open to exploring the ways in which your yoga will deepen, change and evolve.

  • We have a comprehensive list of books that you COULD purchase or download should you want to supplement the information we provide you in our course. These are all optional and suggested. Buy them all, some or none.

  • We want to honour where you are at financially by working WITH you to develop a payment structure that is best suited to everyone’s needs. Please be in touch with us upon securing your space with a deposit to discuss options.

  • Not even a bit. Yoga teacher training is the only course you might ever take that asks you about you. What are your hopes, dreams, goals, ethics, and plans? How do you want to live your life? Yoga offers a framework to help you ask some big questions about the world you live in. It offers tools and skills to help you show up in a more confident, responsive and peaceful way in your life.

    Our students call it life changing + we couldn’t agree more.

  • Excellent question and one quite dear to our hearts. While we at Embodied Living have the utmost respect for Yoga Alliance and its intention to create a standard of education for the yoga teacher profession, we do not currently believe their standards meet our own standards of teaching. Adherence to YA standards would mean our program would not be able to adapt and include relevant information and skills that we believe are crucial to your education as Yoga Teachers.

    Ultimately, our stance reflects a commitment to authenticity, creativity, and independence in providing a holistic and enriching yoga education experience for our students.